5J Cinco Jotas 西班牙国宝级美食火腿切片(100g)
100g per pack
平台价: $81.99

Cinco Jotas 100% Acorn-fed Iberico Ham Bellota (Hand-Carved | 100g) 

Cinco Jotas acorn-fed IIbérico ham is Spain's national treasure. It's an unrivalled product obtained from the rear legs of Ibérico pigs raised free-range in the meadows of southwest Spain.

Cinco Jotas puts a gourmet delight within your reach: the only ham that keeps the purity and distinction of its historic Ibérico breed. At the same time, it unveils textures and aromas able to charm the most demanding of palates. You just can't go wrong with Cinco Jotas Ibérico ham.

We carve Premium Cinco Jotas Ibérico ham by our Professional Master Ham Carver at ARC so that you can enjoy the freshest jamón possible. Each package of Iberian Ham is unique depending on the different cuts of the pig. Our deli-style packed jamón is easy to open, and ready to serve.

5J Cinco Jotas 世界遗产中的宝藏 百年火腿窖中的珍藏,每包100克

100%伊比利亚火腿不仅仅是大自然的瑰宝,更是成就地中海健康饮食必不可少的食材。多亏了橡树果,火腿肉中含有丰富的Omega 9不饱和脂肪酸,因其对心血管有益而被广泛认可。5J Cinco Jotas橡果喂养100%伊比利亚火腿的自然发酵手工技艺,甚至要5年的时间才能完成整个自然发酵。因为只有这样才能被认为是正宗的100%伊比利亚火腿。


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